Devilbiss DeKups Adapter DPC-11
Item#: DEV DPC-11Adapts sprayguns for use with DeKups.
Use with Warwick 904H/HE/L/LE/WB.
Also Sata NR95, Iwata LPH-400 & W400LV, Astro GF14, 17 & 20S, Finex FX 200 & FX 300.
Your Price: $16.33Adapts sprayguns for use with DeKups.
Use with Warwick 904H/HE/L/LE/WB.
Also Sata NR95, Iwata LPH-400 & W400LV, Astro GF14, 17 & 20S, Finex FX 200 & FX 300.
Your Price: $16.33